Dec 10, 20231 min read
The First Presentation of the TQ Programme
Check out this link for the papers submitted https://www.chrisatthepiano.com/papers The is the video presentation and an early stage of...

Dec 6, 20232 min read
Educational Agency. A view in process.
Agency involved action, free will, reflexive and is entwined with context. It is linked to identity. Being a collaborative musician...

Nov 16, 20234 min read
Circle of Fifths Book 1
It has been almost a year since I passed the MA (Mus)(Open) with the dissertation that you can read on this link. At the time I was quite...

Nov 3, 20232 min read
What is a Learning Journal?
On the Open University EE811 course I have been encouraged to maintain a Learning Journal. This is something I have considered doing...

Nov 1, 20235 min read
Circle of Fifths Book 2: Major Scales
This is a book to learn patterns, shapes used in scales on the piano. It is not a book for note reading. The notation is for those who...

Oct 12, 20231 min read
Cymatics & Astrophysics
A perfectly good Thursday commenced with no indication it was going to be a random day. I walked to work thinking that this was a perfect...