I teach some children who do not yet know their ABC's and 123's. This is due to age, ability or, increasingly, that English is not their first language and they cannot yet speak English or recognise the Roman alphabet.
This game is a fun way to learn the symbols we use for letters, (upper and lower case), number and notation.
You will require a minimum of 7 plastic glasses and 12 ping pong balls before you start.
For the storage bag 2 fat quarters of fabric (18 by 22 inches) and a couple of meters of ribbon and a sewing machine or a needle and thread.
For the glass cushions you will require two circles of fabric which are the circumference of the glass, some rice or dried beans, a sewing machine or a needle and thread.
The printed document, a laminator, a pair of scissors or an office guillotine, an A4 piece of sturdy card (the back of an A4 pad of paper is good), double sided sticky tape or a glue-stick